Understanding PID and Its Impact On Fertility

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How does PID affect fertility?

Ectopic pregnancy

Damage to fallopian tubes

Chronic pelvic pain


Maintain good hygiene

Quit Smoking


Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) refers to a serious infection that affects a woman’s reproductive organs. Bacteria begin to enter the reproductive tract through the cervix, which leads to inflammation and damage to the organs like fallopian tubes, uterus, and ovaries. Often, PID can have a significant impact on fertility as well. In such cases, opting for PID infertility treatments remains the only approach for couples as well.

PID can induce inflammation and scarring of the fallopian tubes, which can hinder the egg from being fertilised and the fertilised egg from accessing the uterus for implantation. If the infection is intense or goes untreated, it can permanently harm the reproductive organs, resulting in infertility.

How does PID affect fertility?

Ectopic pregnancy

If any of the fallopian tubes are damaged in the female reproductive system, the fertilised egg may implant in the fallopian tube rather than the uterus, resulting in an ectopic pregnancy. This is a potentially fatal condition; the PID infertility treatment then necessitates a rapid medical intervention. 

Damage to fallopian tubes

PID holds the power to induce inflammation and scarring of the fallopian tubes, which can prevent the egg from being fertilise. In addition to that, it may hinder the fertilised egg from reaching the uterus for implantation. This will ultimately lead to infertility along with progressive damage to the fallopian tubes.

Chronic pelvic pain

Pelvic inflammatory disease, if not treated on time, leads to development of chronic pain among several women. The chronic pelvic pain affects the quality of life to a great extent as it might hamper the movements along with the day to day chores. 

Along with the conditions mentioned, PID actually increases the risks of infertility and therefore, it needs to be dealt with a positive approach. PID infertility treatment involves use of lifestyle modifications along with the medical treatment plan provided by the doctor.

PID can be avoided by using condoms and undergoing frequent STI testing. If you anticipate you have an STI, it is critical to get diagnosed and treated as soon as possible in order to prevent the infection from progressing to your reproductive organs. Furthermore, you might focus on the measures mentioned below.


The HPV vaccine can provide protection against some strains of HPV that can cause cervical cancer and other reproductive health problems, such as PID. Consult your doctor to see if the HPV vaccine is good for you.

Maintain good hygiene

Keeping your genitalia hygienic and dry can help avoid the formation of pathogenic bacteria that can cause PID. Use of harsh soaps or douching can upset the normal balance of bacteria in the vagina, increasing your risk of infection.

Quit Smoking

Smoking increases your chances of having an STI and reduces your fertility. Quitting smoking can help safeguard your reproductive health and lower your chance of PID.


If you do acquire PID, it is critical that you follow your healthcare provider’s guidelines for PID infertility treatment and attend all follow-up appointments. Most women with PID recover completely and restore their fertility with quick and appropriate treatment.